The Holy Father then invited the members of the Apostolic Fraternity to nurture the spiritual foundation that underpins their mission: the spirituality of Mercy and of the One Bread. This spirituality, he said, calls for humility and discipleship of the Eucharistic Christ, revealing the Father's ...
to the innermost castle of His Eucharistic Heart of Love. Yet, she realizes the frailty of her humanity, so she raises her little wings like a small child holds out his arms to his mother and cries, “Carry me!”
When we are pleasing God and staying in God’s word, then, Paul prayed,“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ...
the pavement we were in no fear of vehicles, and for a short while all went well, and we enjoyed walking with our eyes shut; but presently we both fell over some 10 Marie Guérin entered the Carmel at Lisieux on August 15, 1895, and took the name of Sister Mary of the Eucharist. ...
apologists debated attempting to stem the growing persecution against the believers. Trumped up charges against Christians put them in grave danger by the state and their neighbors. Nero accused Christians of burning down Rome. Others charged them with cannibalism by misinterpreting the Eucharist. Stil...