我就该当个家庭主妇 服侍懦弱的丈夫 I should be at home, cooking for my 9 fat children 生养一群胖小孩 and my impotent husband. 这真是太沮丧了 费多里格 Its just so frustrating, Federico. 你可以用我的名字做笔名 You could use my name, as a penname. 如果用得上就拿去 If it would help...
[pounds sterling]EtonCOs MessC[yen] which looked like the meringue tart had gone through a brown dog first.My new favourite try-hard contestant, who calls himself the sumo chef, decided heCOd blow-torch his disgusting piped-on cheese concoction, with the judges confiscating the torch for the...
The blaze zigzagged torching planks, making the sign of the cross. The theatre, where plays were performed and popular songs were sung, was built of stone and rock and withstood the fire, but it wasn’t in any of the photographs that remained from that time. The more religious set were...