Bugs will prefer damper surroundings but you don’t want your insect hotel to flood either. Look for a hollowed out log and place it near it or under a bush. What Kind of Bug Is This In My House? Depending on where you live and how big your bug hotel is, the following bugs (...
One little man in a flying saucer flew round the world one day. 有一天,一个小人乘着飞碟环游世界,他们左看右看, He looked left and right, but he didn’t like the sight. 但是不喜欢看到的景象, So then he flew ...
Houses are the buildings characters live in. A character's house must be built before that character can be welcomed, but in cases where multiple characters live in the same house, the house only needs to be built for the first character; subsequent characters can be welcomed immediately. ...
78-Snow Wonder 《美丽雪世界 79-My Brother 《我的哥哥》 80-The Singing Bird 《爱唱歌的鸟》 》 82-The Bossy Pig 《专横的猪》 》 84-The Big Cat《这只大猫》 85-Going camping 《去露营 90-I'm a frog 《我是一只青蛙 95-》 96-Five Li...
I run out of things to say and we just hang out, listening to the morning sounds of birds chirping, late summer bugs, and the crows chasing the red shouldered hawks above the tree tops. I slurp my coffee while Morning Glory and Hitch Hikin’ Herb drink in the fresh morning air and ...
【中英双语绘本系列】|双语字幕bugs bugs bugs-虫虫虫|英文原版绘本,儿童英文绘本 英文绘本阅读 英文绘本 英语绘本 英语科普绘本 06:23 【双语绘本】全网唯一【中文+英文】字幕 The Hat|神奇的帽子|中英双语绘本|幽默英文故事 英文绘本童话 双语绘本汤米温格尔作品 英文绘本故事 05:50 【中英双语绘本系列】|双语...
Sunburst is a unicorn pony that was added in Update 3.1 and lives in Crystal Empire. He can be tasked to collect Crystal Coins for Balloon Pop. He is a helper in siege stage 2 of the Generations event. Crystal Citizens Magical Balloon Pop
Bugs 2 Logs Stats About this mod Russel Elementary. Home of the Soaring Pelicans.The old School House needs fixed before students can return to class. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Translations Changelogs Adds an old broken school house to pelican town near the playground. ...
Spicy Black Bean & Corn Salad with Pecans Posted inDinner I feel a lot of guilt when I don’t post here for awhile. So let’s not talk about it. Instead, let’s focus on summer. The weather is warm. The sun is out. My garden is in full and bountiful bloom. I’ve also made...
Hexbug Maze Challenge: Build a maze for Hexbugs using cardboard or LEGO bricks to explore motion and interaction with obstacles. Candy Gears: Use candy corn and cardboard to create a simple gear system that demonstrates how gears transfer motion. DIY Hovercraft: Create a hovercraft using a CD...