However, the egg drop did make it through the crazy cup contraption. We were all impressed. It also made it through a drop in a bag of cereal. The egg, however, did not fare well in the paper towels. He didn’t think the towels were thick enough! It would be a great egg drop p...
I feel like it’s indicative of a bigger flaw in myself and one I’d like to remedy. Here’s to forty days of persisting in the arduous good
Crossword and word search with engineering vocabulary. Engineering vocabulary cards Design a one-of-a-kind invention and write about it with this 5-page activity! Pin What Is STEM For Kids? So you might ask, what does STEM actually stand for? STEM is science, technology, engineering, and ...
And yet, this September, a bit of “new-to-me” magic has revealed itself. This magic is very old and very wise. It springs from Mother Earth and it is good magic. It provides a very necessary food source for the wild ones and a very much appreciated source of visual beauty and a ...
Posted inCooking,Countryside,Food,WalksTaggedbaking,bluebells,bread,countryside,Easter,England,field,from my kitchen,Hot cross buns,sunset,trees,yeast baking Taking Stock – October Posted onOctober 27, 2021 2 Making: my first soups of the season. Roasted butternut and chilli first. I had...
I read something the other day to the effect of we should all be like Winnie the Pooh. He wore a crop top, ate his favorite food all the time, and loved himself fully. I also love that he valued rest. This week Tyler and I were supposed to be on a big family trip that was pos...
Now that you have learned a little about the Narwhal, Unicorn of the Sea, or Moon Whale, let’s try some fun STEM-inspired Narwhal activities! It includes… MY LATEST VIDEOS Narwhal Fun Facts Narwhal Word Search Narwhal Crossword Puzzle Feed the Narwhal Activity Narwhal Anatomy Pin More Fun...
Plant cell crossword answer key Plant cell coloring sheets Plant cell activity instructions Use the worksheets from this pack(free download below)to learn, label, and apply the parts of a plant cell. Students can see the structure of the plant cell, and then color, cut out and paste the ...
STEP 3: Place the leaf into the jar with the water and food coloring, with the stem inside the water. Pin STEP 4: Observe over several days as the leaf “drinks” the water. Pin What Are The Veins Of A Leaf Called? The veins of a leaf are vascular tubes that come from the stem...