While Apple is nowhere near perfect in terms of harming the environment, the fact that the company is working to leave less of a footprint on the planet is something that the environmentalist in me agrees with. Speaking of progressive and liberal politics, it’s been discussed that using ...
Never heard of that meme. Is that new? My, this has been an interesting night and an interesting post I shall inject some normalcy for balance. I have a new phone; the old one finally gave up the ghost. But this one is, oddly, slower. It also needs to be retrained as far as ...
+Brian Fitzpatrick: After reading this epic thread, this happened to me: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/profiles/icons/big/000/050/000/mind%20blown.gif Reply May 25, 2012 Jack Mason+1 duh! wrong again! some observations:1. if +Catherine Fitzpatrick were +Brian Fitzpatrick 's mom she woul...