Little Bell Childcare Corporation in Brooklyn is a daycare center that will take care of your children with love and commitment
As a virtual assistant, you’ll perform all the usual tasks a regular assistant would, like scheduling appointments, arranging meetings, making phone calls, and other admin and organizational tasks. So, this is another business that you can conduct in your PJs if you wish, as you don’t hav...
Little Bell Childcare Corporation 629 51ST ST Brooklyn, NY 11220 Phone: 1 (718) 686-8808 G & T Childcare COrp. 775 50th Street Brooklyn NY 11220 Phone: 1(718) 858-6886 Bright Kidz Childcare Corp. 11 Bay 20th Street Brooklyn NY 11214 Phone: 1(718) 666-3318 Email: info@littlebellch...