《小小炼金术2》(Little Alchemy 2)是一款化学合成游戏。 游戏中,玩家需要根据已有的材料不断的合成新东西,然后再用新东西继续合成其他。 游戏拥有280个元素需要玩家来合成,通过混合不同的物品来从头开始创造世界!发现配有趣味描述的酷炫物品,尽情探索庞大的新材料库! 《小炼金术2》在继承前作的基本玩法的基础上好...
How to make paint in Little Alchemy 2? water + rainbow water + double rainbow! water + pencil pottery + rainbow tool + rainbow pottery + double rainbow! tool + double rainbow! rainbow + liquid double rainbow! + liquid pencil + liquid...
Complete Little Alchemy 2 guide by GambleDude, the Little Alchemy expert ✓ all 720 elements ✓ how to make and what to do with items ✓ walkthroughs
Complete Little Alchemy guide by GambleDude, the Little Alchemy expert ✓ all 580 elements ✓ how to make and what to do with items ✓ walkthroughs
13、treehouse=tree+housetsunami=earthquake+oceanturtle=sand+eggtwilight=night+dayunicorn=life+rainbowvampaire=blood+humanvolcano=earth+lavawarrior=sword+humanwater pipe=water+pipewave=sea+windwheat=field+farmerwheel=tool+woodwild animal=life+forestwind=air+pressurewindmill=wind+housewire=electricity+metalwo...
littlealchemy攻略 littlealchemy攻略⼀个造物游戏:1 acidrain=rain+smoke 2 3 airlplain=metal+bird 4 5 alcohol=fruit+time 6 7 algae=plant+water 8 9 allergy=dust+human 10 11 alligator=swamp+lizard 12 13 angel=human+bird 14 15 antarctica=desert+snow 16 17 aquarium=glass+water 18 19 ...
Little Alchemy 2 Cheats Guideis the best complete source of hints for Little Alchemy 2. Find all missing combinations and items you're looking for! It includes acomplete list of Myths and Monsters content pack itemscheats. Available onAndroidandiOS. ...
little alchemy 00:16 log cabin 00:18 magma 00:11 maple syrup 00:21 marshmallows 00:16 mars 00:11 mayonnaise 00:27 mercury 00:21 meteor 00:37 meteoroid 00:36 micorscope 00:36 milk shake 00:11 mineral 00:41 mirror 00:12 mist 00:16 money 00:32 moss 00:26...
little alchemy攻略 一个造物游戏: 1acidrain=rain+smoke23airlplain=metal+bird45alcohol=fruit+time67algae=plant+water89allergy=dust+human1011alligator=swamp+lizard1213angel=human+bird1415antarctica=desert+snow1617aquarium=glass+water1819archipelago=isle+isle2021armor=metal+tool2223ash=energy+volcano2425...
Little Alchemy 2 step by step cheats list and complete in order walkthrough hints! Find recipes how to make metal, wood, swamp and all others from scratch!