Complete Little Alchemy 2 guide by GambleDude, the Little Alchemy expert ✓ all 720 elements ✓ how to make and what to do with items ✓ walkthroughs
Mix items and create the world from scratch! Discover interesting items accompanied by funny descriptions and lose yourself exploring the huge, exciting library!
没有对应的IOS版,点击下载的是:小小炼金术2汉化版(little alchemy2)安卓版内容介绍相关下载评论0 小小炼金术2手游是个全新好玩的合成手游,超多样关卡内容和模式等你来参加挑战,在这里你不仅可以边玩游戏,还能学到各种化学方面的知识,结合寓教于乐的玩法,保证会令你爱不释手,更多精彩内容就在极光下载站等你来感...
Mix items and create the world from scratch! Discover interesting items accompanied by funny descriptions and lose yourself exploring the huge, exciting library!
Little Alchemy 2 is an intuitive online crafting game developed by Recloak. The aim is to combine elements to create new ones. Start by mixing Earth, air, fire, and water to produce new elements. Discover over 700 items and unlock the recipes to time, matter, and the Universe!
如何开始「 Litter Alchemy 2 」手指轻轻一点打开游戏,接着点击Play (玩),欢迎你到「 Litter Alchemy 」(小炼金术),第一次玩游戏时,它会给予你操作引导,让你更快地享受。具体的做法是:把右边的元素也就是air (空气) 、water (水) 、fire (火) 、earth (土)分别直接拽到左边的空白栏上就 OK 了,...
I have loved Little Alchemy 2 for years, and I hope to see a Little Alchemy 3 someday. The only problem I have had with this app is the fact it often resets all of your progress when you close out of the app. This has always been a problem, which is why I have never completed...
《小小炼金术2》(Little Alchemy 2)是一款化学合成游戏。 游戏中,玩家需要根据已有的材料不断的合成新东西,然后再用新东西继续合成其他。 游戏拥有280个元素需要玩家来合成,通过混合不同的物品来从头开始创造世界!发现配有趣味描述的酷炫物品,尽情探索庞大的新材料库! 《小炼金术2》在继承前作的基本玩法的基础上好...
Hints for mastering Little Alchemy 2 Air, fire, earth and water will lead you to countless discoveries. Try mixing items with a copy of themselves — wall + wall will surely result in a house. Some items like human or plant will lead to more discoveries than others. ...
Case in point: To create a tree in Little Alchemy 2 isn't as simple as, for example, creating Wood and then combining it with Earth. Instead, you need to first create the Plant and then the Big ingredient. Combining these two gets you the Tree -so we've detailed the steps for getti...