In Lithuanian, all vowels in a word harmonize with each other for smooth pronunciation. For example, notice when you say the phrase Labas Rytas (“Good Morning” in Lithuanian) how your mouth moves around for the vowels “a” and “i.” ...
I was walking through the wet woods by my wild lone Only This Morning. (And I am doubtful about the parliament as a marker of civilisation!) David Eddyshaw says November 3, 2023 at 6:25 am But High Tea .,, (Though sadly, Jenners is No More.) PlasticPaddy says November 3, 20...
Donnie Nelson finds a place with Lithuanians.(The Dallas Morning News)Stein, Marc
Defending History’s Take: “Canada, a bastion of enlightened liberalism in today’s world, has blundered into a moral mouse-trap. Hopefully its highest leaders will now rapidly correct the error and join all those around the world who condemn the Nazis and their collaborators’ rampages of ...