ST segment / T wave morphology The ST segment-T wave complex in BER has a characteristic appearance: There is elevation of the J point The T wave is peaked and slightly asymmetrical The ST segment and the ascending limb of the T wave form an upward concavity The descending limb of the T...
Q Wave QRS Segment QT Interval J Point ST Segment R Wave T Wave U Wave Osborn Wave Epsilon Wave Delta Wave Advanced Reading Online Textbooks LITFL Further Reading ECG LIBRARY more EKG… Ed Burns Emergency Physician in Prehospital and Retrieval Medicine in Sydney, Australia. He has a passion fo...
Surawicz B, Knilans T.Chou’s Electrocardiography in Clinical Practice: Adult and Pediatric6e, 2008 Chan TC.ECG in Emergency Medicine and Acute Care1e, 2004 LITFL Further Reading ECG Library Basics– Waves, Intervals, Segments and Clinical Interpretation ...
P wave Q wave R wave T wave U wave Osborne wave (J wave) Delta wave Epsilon Wave Intervals and Segments PR interval PR Segment QT Interval ST Segment J point QRS complex ECG anatomy Left Atrial Enlargement Right Atrial Enlargement Bi-Atrial Enlargement Clinical Interpretation A-Z Clinical Diagn...
Medical Eponym Library. Eponymictionary database of medical eponym: person, place, or thing after whom/which something is named
P Wave PR Interval PR Segment Q Wave QRS Segment QT Interval J Point ST Segment R Wave T Wave U Wave Osborn Wave Epsilon Wave Delta Wave Advanced Reading Online Textbooks LITFL Further Reading ECG LIBRARY more EKG… John Larkin Emergency Medicine Specialist MBChB FRCEM FACEM. Medical Education...
The Eponymictionary records historical signs, syndromes, conditions, procedures and classifications eponymously named. We review 3000 *common eponyms, the person behind their origin, history, accuracy, relevance today Eponymictionary is a searchable database of >1000 eponymous terms in medicine De-epon...