我们以AQA为例: Paper1是关于‘Literary Genres’,闭卷考试,考试时长为2小时30分。 Paper2是关于‘Texts and Genres’,开卷考试,考试时长为3小时。 最后的一项考核为Coursework,涉及个人阅读,需学习两篇Texts和Critical Anthology,还有两篇基于Text的1250至1500字的Essay写作。 Texts的挑选每年会有所差异,且各考试...
157 Accesses 1 Citations Abstract Because the majority of the Rhodophycophyta are marine, the presence of about 42 rhodophycean genera (Ott and Sommerfeld 1982) in non-marine habitats has intrigued the senior author of the pre sent paper for a number of years. In order to more fully apprec...
English Intermediate 2 Student Guide. Course Content: The successful student in Intermediate 2 English will have achieved outcomes in each of the component. Higher ENGLISH What you need to do to pass. In May, you will sit two exam papers as your final exams Critical Essay paper – 1 h...
The main goal of this paper is to analyze the state of research on semantic interoperability in well-being, aging, and health IoT services by using ontologies. This was achieved by analyzing the following research questions: “Which IoT ontologies have been used to implement well-being, aging ...