2nd-3rd Arts Character Education Language Arts Languages Math Science Social Studies Thematic Unit Studies 4th-5th Arts Character Education Language Arts Languages Math Science Social Studies Thematic Unit Studies 6th-8th Arts El...
Warmth predicted achievement in 3rd grade but not in the older grades. Overall, the findings provide support for the hypothesis that school-focused parenting practices predict achievement and conduct after adjusting for parenting styles and for the hypothesis that parenting styles moderate...
In NHANES’ home interviews, age-specific ques- tions were used to examine physical activity for children age 2–11 and 12–19 years old. For children age 2–11 years old, only a single question was used to assess physi- cal activity. Due to this, we restricted to adolescents age 12–...
Each Includes full-sized student text pages and book is about 60 pgs, with stories running from Explorations in Literature (3rd Ed.) (7) additional teaching information. 1-3 pgs. Full-color, illust. by Vic Lockman. Students transition from reading for pleasure 012252 . . . . . . . . ...
Three 2nd graders and one 3rd grader who learned English as a second language participated. The study included observations, interviews, documents, and reports using the verbal protocol. Three avenues of data analysis obtained a rich and cohesive analysis, and resulted in an understanding of the ...
We additionally extracted the following information: name of authors, year of publication, total sample size, specific type of participants (e.g., 3rd graders, college students), and the country where the study took place. The two raters further coded whether the authenticity of the learning ...
who spoke to Cash Valley Elementary School students. Floca, whose program was attended by 160 fourth and fifth graders from Frostburg’s Beall Elementary School, answered most of their questions, declining only to give sales figures for his Caldecott-winningLocom...
Age: 3rd–5th graders 8 N = 28 N = 1 Simulation, Measurement, and Stop-Action Moviemaking (siMSAM) was a web-based application in which students could create stop-motion animation by using an external camera to capture photos of drawings or craft materials Science Age: 9–11 years 9 N...
Harmful “Anti-Bullying” Book Proposals for Alameda Unified School District’s K-5th Graders. Accessed February 3, 2014 from http://www.pacificjustice.org. Rice, Mabel F. (2001/1968). Eleanor Estes: A Study in Versatility. Elementary English. In Jennifer Baise (Ed.), Children’s ...
I also kept reading a few short stories and readers. For instance "People Education Press readers for 3rd graders". But, much to my amazement, that "3rd grader" level prose felt more complicated than 鬼吹灯. Maybe it was just because it was also much more boring. ...