RomeoandJuliet(ActII,SceneII) Sonnet18 Unit2EnglishEssayists(Ⅰ) FrancisBacon OfStudies OfMarriageandSingleLife SamuelJohnson LettertoLordChesterfield;英美文学欣赏(第五版);英美文学欣赏(第五版);作者简介 威廉·莎士比亚(WilliamShakespeare,1564-1616)是英国文艺复兴时期最伟大的诗人、剧作家,也被认为是世界文...
Rip Van WinkleGerma n lege nd;an escape from society and return to n ature;The Alhambra《西班牙见闻札记》; A History of New York美国第一部诙谐文学杰作;Essay:The Sketch Book见闻札记》:美国浪漫主义开端 2.William Cullen Bryan布莱恩特1794-1878诗人):the first American lyric poet;one of the earli...
, Folktale & Epic, Essay A God-honoring program of enriching and little different, we've further described individu- & Short Story, Poetry and Drama. The course interesting reading. Several of the books are al course contents below. All of the Teacher's culminates with Romeo and Juliet. ...