literature, a weight to each literary element and its associated annotations, wherein the weight indicates an importance or relevance of a literary element to at least the segment of the work of literature; correlating and matching the literary elements to each other to establish one or more ...
When looking at the events that make up your plot, all of the choices your character needs to make will be in response to theliterary element we call “conflict.”This makes it one of the most essential literary elements in literature. This might be a conflict with another person, a confl...
Genre - a category, in literature or other media, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.For example, science fiction and fantasy are two different genres in literature.3Why recognizing genres is important?nOn the simplest level, grouping 2、 works offers us an orderly ...
Literary Elements Literary Elements The foundations of literature The foundations of literature Literary elements: Diction and Literary elements: Diction and Dialect Dialect Dialect is variation of a given language spoken Dialect is variation of a given language spoken in a particular place or by a par...
LiteraryElements Whatpartsmakeupaastory?t StoryGrammar ➢Setting➢Characters➢Plot➢Climax➢Theme➢Resolution➢Denouement Setting Timeandplacearewheretheactionoccurs Detailsthatdescribe:✓Furniture✓Scenery✓Customs✓Transportation✓Clothing✓Dialects✓Weather✓Timeofday✓Timeofyear Elementsofa...
LiteraryElements Literaryelementsarecommonliterarydevicesfoundinallliterature.PointofviewSettingCharacter/CharacterizationThemePlotConflict PointofView Pointofviewisthevantagepointfromwhichastoryistold.PointofView FirstPerson:Thenarratorisacharacter,oftenthemaincharacter,ofthestory.Thischaracterrevealspersonalthoughtsand...
LiteraryGenres 文学体裁 .WhatisGenre?Genre-acategory,inliteratureor othermedia,characterizedbysimilaritiesinform,style,orsubjectmatter.Forexample,sciencefictionandfantasyaretwodifferentgenresinliterature..Whyrecognizinggenresisimportant?(1)Onthesimplestlevel,groupingworksoffersusanorderlywaytotalkaboutanotherwise...
LI TERARY ELEMENTS © 2 0 0 5 B B C . ELINOR DASHWOOD ( HATTIE MORAHAN) AND MARIANNE DASHWOOD ( CHARITY WAKEFIELD) 24 © 2011 WGBH EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION down during the scene. Or ip this exercise, and take an internal monologue from a work of literature and read it aloud while...
Personification is a type of figurative language in which non-human things are described as having human attributes, as in the sentence, "The rain poured down on the wedding guests, indifferent to their plans." 拟人法是一种形象化语言,将非人类的事物描述为具有人的属性,例如在句子中:“雨水倾盆而...
Discover how to analyze literature. Learn what a literary passage is, why literature is analyzed, and how to recognize elements in a literary...