Paradox DefinitionA paradox is something that seems impossible and contradictory at first but, upon closer analysis, makes sense. It can even provide readers with needed information to understand a story of a real-life situation. When an author creates a paradox on purpose, they’re trying to ...
Definition of Paradox When used as a literary device, a paradox is the juxtaposition of a set of seemingly contradictory concepts that reveal a hidden and/or unexpected truth. The paradox may be hard or even impossible to believe, yet usually the contradiction can be reconciled if the reader ...
Richard II: Paradox 4 key examples New! Understand every line of Richard II. Read our modern English translation. Next Pathos Definition of Paradox A paradox is a figure of speech that seems to contradict itself, but which, upon further examination, contains some kernel of truth or reason...
Denotation refers to the literal or dictionary definition of a word, without any additional connotation or associated meanings. It is the objective and factual meaning of a word, rather than its emotional, cultural, or symbolic significance. Denotation can be used deliberately by authors to create ...
Previous Paradox Sweat: Parody 1 key example Next Setting Definition of Parody A parody is a work that mimics the style of another work, artist, or genre in an exaggerated way, usually for comic effect. Parodies can take many forms, including fiction... read full definition Parody ...
We have put together a collection of storyboards to help you better understand various literary elements. In addition to the storyboards, we have included detailed definitions and examples for each of the key literary terms. Check out the list below!Create your own storyboardto expand your und...
52. Paradox Paradoxderives from the Greek wordparadoxon, which means “beyond belief.” It’s a statement that asks people to think outside the box by providing seemingly illogical — and yet actually true — premises. Example:In George Orwell’s1984, the slogan of the totalitarian government...
When you want toadd a hidden meaning to a conceptin your writing, use a paradox. It will engage the reader by subtly adding a sense of mystery to a larger context. Many readers love to read between the lines! An example of a paradoxis found in this quote: “Keep your friends close,...
41. Paradox Aparadoxseems to make two mutually contradictory things true at the same time. Example of Paradox In the tragic revenge story,Hamlet,the title character says something that sounds paradoxical: “I must be cruel to be kind.” ...
To discuss and analyze literature it is important to know some of the basic terms and expressions used within the subject area. The following glossary covers the most widely used terms. TermDefinition allegory Simply put, an allegory is a narrative that has a symbolic meaning. That is, the ...