Finding the Typical in the Literal: Augustine's Typological Exegesis in His Literal Commentary on Genesis Puritan Reformed JournalSCHWEITZER, CAMERON
at any given time at least 60% of my scriptural intake was from simply reading the Bible. I regularly jotted down notes on various subjects from my readings, including hell, and I started to notice a consistency from Genesis to Revelation regarding the subject of eternal...
When is a Translation a Commentary? As we touched on earlier, in addition to the linguistic obstacles that must be overcome, translators of the New Testament must also constantly wrestle with the differences in the background and culture between the first century and today. How much of the ...
In reading a commentary, I found I love what it says in the KJV: “thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance.” The famous song goes on to say, “Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.” This is why choosing to trust is in my daily checklist. God is so faithful...
The ESV lets the stylistic variety of the biblical writers fully express itself—from the exalted prose that opens Genesis, to the flowing narratives of the historical books, to the rich metaphors and dramatic imagery of the poetic books, to the ringing rhetorical indictments in the prophetic boo...