Accordingly, many investigations have sought to shed light on digital literacy skills as both instructors and learners need to be equipped with this type of literacy in the L2 context [[29], [30], [31]]. Besides, the role of EFL teachers' perspectives of their PI after the obligatory ...
Vaughn Ververs, editor of The Hotline, National Journal’s online political newsletter, argues that the press is in danger of becoming irrelevant, with so many people turning to the Internet – where the Berg video is enormously popular – in search of the most complete war coverage. News or...
ment and goal setting were successful, especially when combined with other techniques. Providing information alone was shown to have poor results. Providing eco- nomic incentives was found to be effective, but the im- pact often disappeared once the incentive was no longer provided [43]. The nex...
The investigation of long-term effects in different countries and cultures would be helpful to shed light onto the reinforcing or protective value of Internet literacy and further Internet-related cognitive biases on the development and maintenance of an IUD and respective cultural differences. ...
3.8. Additional Outcome Indicator Description and Analysis Participants in the CDIP group had 641 online interactions with healthcare providers and collectively sent 1732 interactive WeChat messages over a period of twelve weeks. After watching videos, they provided 76 comments, most of which were posi...
Social media tools are increasingly used in child’s language and literacy development in early years. However, few researchers shed light on effectiveness and the practice that the EC professionals and teachers have adopted in ECE settings and other related contexts. This scoping review synthesized ...
These findings shed light upon the relationship between prejudice, stigma and possible self-stigma that hinders adequate help seeking, both for one-self and possibly for others.References Jorm AF: Mental health literacy: Public knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders. Brit J Psychiat. 2000, ...