The best option is to order it directly from thepublisher. Another option is to ask your university library to purchase the book and have it at your campus. – (2) Is the book suitable for high schools? Short answer yes. Long answer, as we state in the book “offering over 200 figure...
(Haller 1760: 1226–1231). Wolff refused to acquiesce to Haller’s es-tablished scientific authority. Instead, he translated his theory into German andrepublished it in 1764 asTheorie von der Generation,introducing the work toa wider audience by rearticulating some of its more salient points in...
In a shed. (Served me right for asking the question in that way.) Did she know if the shed had a special name? No. I explained that it was a stable, and like the other words. Sara wrote stable. How do we spell was? Sara got it right. Why do we spell it like that, and ...
In Grade 9, listening comprehension was conceptualized as the ability to extract information from spoken texts and to draw conclusions that are implied in these texts (Hecker et al.2015). In line with the literacy perspective, texts were based on realistic contexts. Students heard two texts (a ...
Alfrey L. Physical literacy: a concept analysis. Sport Educ Soc. 2020;25:946–59. 1677586. Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in pub- lished maps and institutional aff...