India's literacy rate at the time of independence was mere 14% , over the years literacy rate has been increasing but with varied rates in different states with some state like kerala and Mizoram well above national average and bihar with a dismal rate of 63.8%. This paper is focus on ...
As per 2001 Census, the overall literacy rate of India is 65.38%. The male literacy rate is 75.96% and female literacy rate is 54.28%. Ranking of States and Union Territories by Literacy RateState / U.T. Literacy Rate Male Literacy Rate Female Literacy Rate Kerala 90.92 94.20 87.86 Mizo...
In India literacy rate denotes the percentage of population above 7 years of age, who is able to read, write and have the ability to do arithmetic calculation with understanding.
This study examined the impact of financial literacy on financial inclusion and well-being among Jordanian youth. Using a multidimensional approach, the re
When literacy rate of India is considered, it stand at 74.04% as per 2011 census. India's literacy rate at the time of independence was mere 14% , over the years literacy rate has been increasing but with varied rates in different states with some state like kerala and Mizoram well above...
Which of the following states has the lowest female literacy rate? View Solution In which State is the female literacy lowest ? View Solution Exams IIT JEE NEET UP Board Bihar Board CBSE Free Textbook Solutions KC Sinha Solutions for Maths ...
While most HL studies have been conducted in the United States and Europe, it would be an equitable and valuable endeavor to use the HLS19-Q12 in Latin American countries to determine how HL compares to HL in Europe. Latin America embraces a rich mix of cultures, indigenous beliefs and lang...
Economic crime has been an area of concern for regulators and governments across countries, and billions of hard-earned money is siphoned off by fraudsters
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More specifically, elevated levels of cognitive skills, such a learning rate and reasoning ability, lead to fewer financial errors, low payment default, and portfolio diversification (Cole & Shastry, 2009), all of which are outcomes of rational financial decisions. The origins of this concept lie...