As per 2001 Census, the overall literacy rate of India is 65.38%. The male literacy rate is 75.96% and female literacy rate is 54.28%. Ranking of States and Union Territories by Literacy RateState / U.T. Literacy Rate Male Literacy Rate Female Literacy Rate Kerala 90.92 94.20 87.86 Mizo...
When literacy rate of India is considered, it stand at 74.04% as per 2011 census. India's literacy rate at the time of independence was mere 14% , over the years literacy rate has been increasing but with varied rates in different states with some state like kerala and Mizoram well above...
View Solution Which state of India has the longest mainland coastline? View Solution Which state of India has the longest mainland coastline? View Solution Exams IIT JEE NEET UP Board Bihar Board CBSE Free Textbook Solutions KC Sinha Solutions for Maths ...
India demographics occupy 2nd rank among the world's populated countries. With a population of 1.21 billion and growth rate of 1.41 % the population will only grow more enormous in size. However when age structure of the India is considered , 65 % of India's population is of the age group...
Baluchistan and NWFP lasted about 100 years and these regions were considered the periphery of the British Raj in India. At the time of independence in 1947, the overallliteracy rate in Indiawas 12.2%, and the parts that became Pakistan probably had an even lower rate of literacy in single ...
The 52nd China Internet Development Status Statistical Report released by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) in June 2023 reveals that the internet medical coverage rate in rural areas of China was only 22.8% [15]. A recent empirical study in China indicates that rural residents...
A total of 1519 completed questionnaires were collected from 13–20 July 2021. As 1664 HCWs had the chance to participate in this survey, the response rate was 91.3%. The main demographic characteristics of the respondents are shown inTable 1. Of the respondents, 76% were women. The responde...
The survey was carried out in Poland on a nationwide representative sample of 2070 respondents. Due to some missing information, the final sample included 1932 respondents (82.8% response rate). They were the students of three types of schools: technical schools (17.6%), high schools (35.4%),...
Is it more necessary for leadership to suit literacy into motion, or may possibly at any rate it embark at the below levels of the company? Rosen gives a lots of examples of pinnacle leadership interviews and look interrogatives that twiddling my thumbs on the top-down theory. Not one case...
Personal inflation calculator: what is your inflation rate? As the cost of living continues to rise, find out how much inflation could affect your personal finances UK financial system ‘locking out’ growing numbers of people As lenders rein in risk during cost of living crisis, survey finds ...