“butterflies in the stomach” and increased breathing rate). The body is then activated to deal with the threat either by fighting it or by running away, but in modern-day society, this is not necessarily a practical solution and so the individual starts to suffer from chronic stress, ...
Vietnam at its initial announcement of independence, in 1945, had a remarkably high rate of illiteracy. The many wars that followed have contributed to slow down the government effort in delivering literacy education to its citizens. Yet, from the 1980s, Doi Moi marked the big shift in politi...
The entire text is rewritten on one-page at the end, which is great for fluency practice, older students who might be embarrassed to read a book with illustrations, or a quick running record for accuracy and WPM rate. The illustrations are adorable, and you could have a discussion around t...
Black men experience more than double the mortality rate from prostate cancer compared with White men63 and are also at an increased risk of CVD mortality at every time point on the continuum. A recent review found Black patients, older patients, and those with non-private insurance were less...
The definition of digital literacy is pretty much what you’d expect: “the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills.”–from the American Library Association ...
Recently, the European Consortium on Health Literacy Score (HLS) gave a more comprehensive definition of health literacy. They suggested four key factors for health literacy: the ability to access, understand, appraise, and apply health information in order to make decisions in...
In addition, considering the participation rate and underrepresentation of patients with very low health literacy, we suggest additional intervention research to evaluate the acceptance and effectiveness of the intervention in the most vulnerable groups. Our study has implications for practice. Our ...
Definition and selection of key competencies: Theoretical and conceptual foundations (DeSeCo), summary of the final report “key competencies for a successful life and a well-functioning society. In Key Competencies for a Successful Life and a Well-Functioning Society; Rychen, D.S., Salganik, L...
In the table below, you’ll find downloadable lesson plans filled with guidance and worksheets that can be used to supplement classroom or at-home learning for children in grades K-5. There are eight lessons per grade, and each lesson plan builds on the preceding one. The subject matter al...
Media literacywas once simply defined as “the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms,” but with a constantly changing and expanding media landscape, this definition has also evolved (Thoman & Jolls, 2003, p. 21). A more elaborate definition set forth...