1999 . “Literacy in South Africa”. In Literacy: An international handbook , Edited by: Wagner, D., Street, B. and Venezky, R. 418–423. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.Prinsloo, M. 1999. Literacy in South Africa. In: D. Wagner, B. Street & R. Venezky, eds., Literacy: an ...
This study estimates and compares different measures of adult literacy rates in South Africa, using information collected in recent nationally representative household surveys. In particular, the study considers adult literacy rates derived from three sets of information: the highest level of educational ...
Other Notes:Data retrieved via API in March 2019. For detailed information on the observation level (e.g. National Estimation, UIS Estimation, or Category not applicable), please visit UIS.Stat (http://data.uis.unesco.org/). Statistical Concept and Methodology:Literacy statistics for most countr...
Citizenship education and political literacy in South Africa. In: Banks, J. (Ed.), Diversity and Citizenship Education: Global Perspectives. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.Moodley, K.A., & Adam, H. (2004). Citizenship, education and political literacy in South Africa. In J. Banks (Ed.)...
This paper reports on the writing of grade seven learners in English as an additional language at four differently resourced schools in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Because grade seven is the start of the senior phase of schooling, it is vital that learners achieve grade‐level compe...
In this paper, these two different approaches are used as a cross-classificatory schema for describing literacy and schooling contexts in primary education in South Africa over the past two decades. 'Maintown' in this paper is similar to that in the work of Brice Heath; 'Ntsha Tsela' is ...
South African studies Resistance coded in comics| Visual literacy in South Africa THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL Carol Magee YoungMona SchauerThis thesis examines three South African comic books published by the South African Council on Higher Education and The Storyteller Group, both...
At the national and local level, International Literacy Day is celebrated in schools, community centers, NGOs and more, from efforts aimed at impacting one person at a time, such as in a classroom, to highly publicized national events and advocacy by prominent authors. Philanthropic organizations...
Discussions of 'game literacy' focus on the informal learning and literacies associated with games but seldom address the diversity in young people's gaming practices, and the highly differentiated technologies of digital gaming in use. We use available survey data to show how, in South Africa, ...
Health literacy is an important indicator of economic and social development and people's health level. The NHC monitored health literacy based on people's awareness of health-related problems, including safety and first-aid, medical care as well as chronical and infectious disease prevention and co...