Lita_Trish_Stratus_Vs_Molly_Holly_Gail_Kim_Unforgiven_2003 是在优酷播出的体育高清视频,于2013-01-11 21:37:28上线。视频内容简介:lita trish VS molly gail
2004 年4月 19 日的RAW上,在一场Lita &Val Venis vs Matt Hardy & Gail Kim的性别混编赛中,最后时刻Kane出现在擂台上拉走了Lita 并且给了Matt Hardy一个Chokeslam。 2004 年4月 26 日的RAW上,Lita & Victoria战胜了Molly Holly & Gail Kim 随后Molly Holly攻击了Lita。 ---随后Kane跟随在Lita身后试图强...
2004 年4月 19 日的RAW上,在一场Lita &Val Venis vs Matt Hardy & Gail Kim的性别混编赛中,最后时刻Kane出现在擂台上拉走了Lita 并且给了Matt Hardy一个Chokeslam。2004 年4月 26 日的RAW上,Lita & Victoria战胜了Molly Holly & Gail Kim 随后Molly Holly攻击了Lita。---随后Kane跟随在Lita身后试图强吻Lit...
Lita returns: Raw, September 15, 2003 Lita makes her long awaited return to save Trish Stratus from Molly Holly and Gail Kim. Featured Videos
With a new interest in the women's division, this brought in a new wave of talent to the forefront of the division, including Jazz, Victoria, Gail Kim, Molly Holly, Jacqueline, and Ivory. "Seeing the women do what they did, they're not just hot chicks standing on the side, they're...
Lita_Trish_Stratus_Vs_Molly_Holly_Gail_Kim_Unforgiven_2003 是在优酷播出的体育高清视频,于2013-01-11 21:37:28上线。视频内容简介:lita trish VS molly gail