Side-by-Side Summary, Analysis, and Themes LitCharts take a completely new approach to analyzing and explaining literature. CliffsNotes and every other literature guide series that followed (including SparkNotes) all use long paragraphs of summary followed by long paragraphs of analysis. LitCharts bre...
After Raskolnikov berates himself for his inability to provide for his mother and sister, tormenting himself with painful questions concerning his own future, the narrator notes that: None of the questions was new or sudden, however; they were all old, sore, long-standing. They had begun ...
LitCharts take a completely new approach to analyzing and explaining literature. CliffsNotes and every other literature guide series that followed (including SparkNotes) all use long paragraphs of summary followed by long paragraphs of analysis. LitCharts break that mold in several ways. LitCharts ...
Azadi is the Urdu word for freedom, and in these nine new essays, written over the last two years, Roy beckons readers to ponder its meaning in a world in which authoritarianism has crept to every corner of the globe, a world in which Modi—let alone Trump—see...
Before Vegas was even a twinkle in Bugsy Siegel’s eye, Hot Springs, Arkansas, spent the roaring 20s playing host to the biggest gangsters in the nation, with prominent casinos that put equal emphasis on entertainment and gambling. David Hill takes us into the metamorphosis of a sleepy resort...
an old pine desk my parents bought when I was 5. The darn thing is falling apart but I just can’t bring myself to replace it. Under it is the group of my works, all broken into little accordion folders that contain editing, beta reader notes, original concept notes, and even ...
I ask them to listen carefully and take notes. Despite the brevity of the notes, I embellish the story so that it takes about 30 minutes to tell. I then ask students to write me a brief analysis in which they analyze what is going on with Drew and what they see as his prognosis. ...
Formats Included Word Document File Pages 1 page $2.50 Report this resource to TPT ThatLITTeacherAllie 3Followers Description Romeo & Juliet Study guide covering figurative language, plot, and dramatic elements. Total Pages 1 page Answer Key ...
"Would not have made it through without the printable PDFs. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!" –LitCharts A⁺ user Detailed chapter analysis Get what happens and what it means Targeted analysis next to the summary ensures you’ll understand more than just the plot....
In music, for example, a motif is a short series of notes that repeats throughout a song or track. In art, a motif is a design or pattern that repeats in different parts of an artwork, or in different works by the same artist. While these additional meanings of motif are useful to ...