However, the scenes set in the aftermath of the earthquake which shook Nepal in April 2015 made me hope that they were a fantasy of privilege. Cristina — a private citizen with no useful skills to help in the rescue and recovery — somehow manages to travel into the chaos, andvested with...
Viewers, Beware: The film version of Inherent Vice is a wild ride, and if the deep layers and plot twists don’t muddle your mind, then the unfamiliar slang, barely audible conspiratorial whispers, and drug-addled slurs will. Had I not read the book first, I imagined I would have been...
I doubt if anyone can read this excerpt without pause for thought: Alan’s book is set in the Sydney of the 1940s and 1950s, and his historical allusions all needed to be verified: the wording of advertisements, Australian slang of the period, the dates of major events such as the open...