Born in turn-of-the-century Ukraine, Nudie’s real name wasNuta Kotlyarenko. When Nuta was 11 years old, his parents sent him to the US, hoping he could avoid the anti-Semitism sweeping their homeland. When Nuta arrived at Ellis Island, an immigration official shortened his last name to ...
2 Pripyat, Ukraine Pripyat is an abandoned city in the Zone of alienation in northern Ukraine, Kiev Oblast, near the border with Belarus. The city population had been around 50,000 – and had been home to most of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant workers. Then the Chernobyl disaster struck ...
there exists the largest accumulation of antipersonnelland mineson the planet. Because of the DMZ, the United States refused to sign an international treaty banning the weapons, which kill and maim far more unfortunate civilians than are killed by soldiers on either side. ...
and Army Group South was to attack the agricultural heartland of the Ukraine and move eastward toward the oil-rich Caucasus. The Red Army, although numerically superior to the Germans, was dispersed, unprepared, and suffered from
(the Great) reigned as Empress of Russia for 34 years, from June 28, 1762 until her death. She exemplifies the enlightened despot of her era. During her reign Catherine extended the borders of the Russian Empire southward and westward to absorb New Russia, Crimea, Right-Bank Ukraine, ...
(2004-2011) and featured Atom Girls fromRussia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Lithuania. The organizers hoped that the association of beautiful women with the generally-seen-as-negative world of nuclear power would help to rebrand the industry and would even go some way to reclaim the word ...
Today, under Ramzan, the Kadyrovtsy has become a government-backed militia dedicated to fighting both Islamist insurgents and the enemies of Moscow. Chechen fighters loyal to President Kadyrov have fought in Georgia and Ukraine, thereby making themselves some of the morecapable and experienced fighters...
On December 23, 2015, a group of hackers infiltrated and disabled three major power stations in Western Ukraine, leaving 230,000 homes without power in the middle of a freezing winter. It was the first major cyber attack on a power grid in history. Scarily, far from being soft targets, ...
In fact, Obama’s top nuclear adviser from his first term points specifically to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as the moment that made a policy based on true unilateral disarmament unfeasible. Other supporters of arms reduction concede that the process of modernization has not produced warhead redu...
Shirreff points to Russia’s fear of encirclement by NATO as the spark that will ignite the region’s tensions. As early as May 2017, the decorated British general expects Moscow to drive a land corridor through Ukraine, connecting the Crimea to Russia, and then invade one or more of the ...