• To find lists of the biggest newssites of most countries:DomainTyper • To search with wildcards for domains, e.g.ads.*.no:SecurityTrails API Free • To sort lines by how frequently they occur:Browserling Numeric Sort Ways one can useSublime Text(made by Jon Skinner and Will Bond...
I’m currently writing an essay on the African American female at the Academy Awards for my cultural sociology class, so I found this particularly interesting. Why do you guys think […] A Dangerous Method (2011) February 9, 201232 Comments ...
3.(often with capital.often offensive: currently acceptable in the United states, South Africa etc) a Negro;a person of African, West Indianetcdescent.negro verb to make black.ennegrecer,volver negro ˈblacknessnoun negrura,oscuridad ˈblackenverb ...
When his bored trophy wife (Helen Mirren) becomes attracted to one of the regular diners, an unassuming bookish fellow (Alan Howard), the wheels are set in motion for a twisty tale, culminating in one of the most memorable scenes of “just desserts” ever served up on film (not for the...
COUNTRIESTemplates FEATUREDPOLITICSTEMPLATES Current 41st Company Sergeants Tier list Feminist Literature : League Of Villains Ilnesses Shinkansen Tier List Shinkansen Tier List COck ТирЛистпацанов 261 ИСПВД (иКостя) ...
Database of people who have committed crimes against Ukraine s national security (citizens of Belarus, Russia and other countries).Ukraine 2022 Geoint archivesHolodomor Victmims DatabaseOtkudarodom.ua (genealogical search) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) OBD Memorial...
Foot-and-mouth disease and the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer). 1. Carriers as a source of infection for cattle. South AfricaTen pregnant buffalo cows, six of which were subsequently shown to be carriers of SAT 1, 2 and 3 viruses, were captured in the Kruger ... RG Bengis,GR Thomso...
According to meeting organizers, new pledges of forest restoration by individual African countries at the meeting are expected to take global FLR commitments to 150 million hectares. Christine Sagno, Guinea minister of environment, water and forestry, her country will plant forests on two million hec...
I often want to select more than one option in a drop-down list. For example, when there’s a collection of colors to choose from, I might like more than one color. Or, in a document where we list proficiencies, I might want to choose more than one from
Couscous, the Berber dish beloved across northern Africa's Maghreb region and beyond, joined the UN list of the world's intangible cultural heritage on Wednesday. The countries that submitted the listing to UNESCO – Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Mauritania – may have their differences, but ...