Tanking at the box office during its original theatrical run due to a combination of lackluster promotion by 20th Century Fox and an unfortunate proximity to the release of that same studio’s Star Wars (much to Bakshi’s chagrin, as he bitterly recounts on the commentary track of the Blu-...
Live from the main stage at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, this is a list of every band, musician, and singer who has performed on Saturday Night Live. Since its premiere in 1975, SNL has had more than 600 unique musical guests. It's a dream gig: familiar stage, intimate crowd, audience of mi...
dj harrison- shades of yesterday jazz dispensary – golden hour schoolboy q – blue lips zoomo – absolution yours, avery – the light shines from the trap door kaytranada – timeless mf doom – mm food (20th anniversary) tyler, the creator – chromokopia roc marciano – the skeleton key...
the ambition of it, something i hadn’t seen before. Love “Maverick,” but still like the original best. 2. “When Harry Met Sally” This is something like comfort food…and in a way an inspiration for so many films in India too. 3. “Brazil” This was my first Terry Gilliam ...
Photo courtesy of 20th Century Fox Ang Lee now has two Oscar wins (Brokeback MountainandLife of Pi) to his name and has established himself as one of the top directors around. For whatever reason, I did not get around to seeingLife of Piuntil just recently and I seriously regret not bei...
13 films From 20th Century Fox to Disney, here is my ranking of those uncanny X-Men and their spin-off outings… My 2023 Top Ten 10 films My favourite films of 2023 (UK) in rank order taking into everything from entertainment value, production, acting and overall story.… My 2024...
It performed disappointingly at the box office compared to Disney films released in the 1990s, grossing $169.5 million on a $100-million budget.[2] However, the film found larger success when it was released for home media, and became the best-selling DVD of 2001. It received generally ...
As a result of the Walt Disney Company’s takeover of 20th Century Fox as part of their acquisition of 21st Century Fox in 2019,Underwater‘s initial release date was drastically pushed back, with production occurring in early 2017. Due to this prolonged release and its skimpy marketing,Under...
"Titanic," 20th Century Fox and Paramount, 1997 Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet appear in the 1997 film "Titanic."CBS via Getty Images The film received 14 nominations. "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King," New Line, 2003 ...
budget studio films, i.e. the films I’m generally less interested in. Many of the films that were on my 2019 most anticipated list I never even bothered watching (Looking at The Curse of La Llorona) and many of my big loves were films I had no knowledge of at this time last year...