# Creating a Named List in the R Programminglist.input<-list("website name"="IncludeHelp","Well-Recognised?"=TRUE,"Dwell time in the past 3 years(in min)"=c(30,45,60),"Shares received"=1598,"Employees"=700)print(list.input) Output: $`website name` [1] "IncludeHelp" $`Well-Re...
Qix In Chinese –Node, Golang, Machine Learning, PostgreSQL. queues.io –Job queues, message queues and other queues. http://queues.io/ quick-look-plugins –macOS Quick Look plugins for developers rails-must-watch –Must-watch videos about Ruby on Rails. rbooks –R programming language bo...
In this post, we will show how to create vectors, factors, lists, matrices and datasets in R Vectors The vector is a very important tool in R programming. Through vectors, we create matrix and data frames. Vectors can have numeric, character and logical values. The function c() is used...
RQ1: Is there a difference between the techniques in terms of the outcome of RCA? RQ1a: Is there a difference in the number of the detected causes? RQ1b: Is there a difference in the structures of the detected causes? RQ1c: Is there a difference in the characteristics of the detected...
list_data <- list(c("Jan","Feb","Mar"), matrix(c(3,9,5,1,-2,8), nrow = 2), list("green",12.3)) # Give names to the elements in the list. names(list_data) <- c("1st Quarter", "A_Matrix", "A Inner list") # Show the list. print(list_data)When...
Predictive models generated by modern machine learning algorithms, such as deep neural networks, tend to be complex and difficult to comprehend, and may not be appropriate in applications where a certain degree of transparency of a model and explainability of decisions are desirable. Besides, dependin...
JavaObject Oriented ProgrammingProgramming An Array is a collection of certain elements that can be anything which takes up the adjacent memory locations. Here we store multiple elements of the same type together. An ArrayList is a class that is resizable unlike the in-built Array. An essential ...
Creative Coding - Programming something expressive instead of something functional. No-Login Web Apps - Web apps that work without login. Free Software - Free as in freedom. Framer - Prototyping interactive UI designs. Markdown - Markup language. Dev Fun - Funny developer projects. Healthcare -...
Now, I would like to add 5 new columns to this data frame that contain "n" number of random integers. For example, in the first row: n_1_i = 5 : I would like to make a column called "cond_1" such thatcond_1 <- sample(1:10, 5, replace=F) ...
Minimal Theme Settings Control the colors and fonts in Minimal Theme. Discord Rich Presence Update your Discord Status to show your friends what you are working on. Templater Create and use templates. Convert url to preview (iframe) Convert a URL (e.g. YouTube) into an iframe (preview). ...