Chapter 19C – listing rules of secondary listing of overseas issuers • 上市时的预期市值至少达15亿港元 • 上市前最少两个会计年度一直经营现有业务,且管理层大致相同 • 需要符合营运资金(包括计入首次上市所得的款项)的要求,足以 应付由上市档刊发日期起计至少12个月所开支(包括一般...
Chapter 2 General Introduction Preliminary 2.01 The principal function of the Exchange is to provide a fair, orderly and efficient market for the trading of securities. In furtherance of this, the Exchange has made the Exchange Listing Rules under section 23 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance...
1 Purpose The purpose of the Listing Rules ("LR") is to provide issuers with access to exchange trading that is as free and equal as possible, and to ensure transparency for investors with regard to issuer quality and the char- acteristics of individual securities. Art. 2 Applicability 1...
a share scheme funded by its treasury H shares is subject to the same requirements as a share scheme funded by new shares under Chapter 17 of the Listing Rules, and a share scheme funded by its treasury shares not listed on HKEX is subject to Rule 17.12 of the Listing Rules....
Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules Consultation Paper on Regulation of Sponsors and its Conclusions 1. Introduction 1.1 The principal responsibility for the truth, accuracy and completeness of a listing document rests with the listing applicant’s directors, individually and collectively. 1.2 The list...
APPLICABLELISTINGRULESORPRINCIPLES 5.Rule14.01statesthat: ThisChapterdealswithcertaintransactions,principally acquisitionsanddisposals,byalistedissuer.… 6.Rule14.07(4)providesthecalculationofaconsiderationratioasfollows: theconsiderationdividedbythetotalmarketcapitalisation ...
The key amendments to the HKEX Listing Rules have: amended Chapter 19A by removing: the class meeting and related requirements for issuance of new shares and repurchase of existing shares by PRC issuers; and the requirement for disputes involving H shareholders to be resolved through arbitration; ...
there should be a spread of 300 shareholders as is currently required under Chapter 8 of the HKEX Listing Rules. If retail investors are allowed to trade the securities of the SPAC prior to the De-SPAC Transaction, the additional restrictions in respect of the spread of shareholders will no ...
STOCK EXCHANGES IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: CAPTURING INTENT TOWARDS ESG REQUIREMENTS 29 RECOMMENDATIONS Through this analysis, ACCA was able to develop a series of recommendations for the key actors in this area, to help develop more extensive and meaningful disclosure requirements within the listing rules...
HKExLISTINGDECISION-ListingRulesandGuidance HKEx LISTING DECISION Cite as HKEx-LD20 -2011 FACTS 1.The Offeror made a cash offer to acquire the Target’s shares from its existing shareholders.2.Company A held 15 per cent interests in the Target as an investment and was considering whether to ...