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Desig - Designation (as in Desig heritage property) 遗产房里会提到这个词 Det - Detached (as in Det Garage or Det House or Semi Det) 独立屋 Dir - Direction 方向 Dft - Deal Fell Through (status condition on MLS) 交易告吹 DOM - Days On Market (time listed as shown on MLS) 上市天数 ...
Welcome to, your source for real estate information on buying and selling real estate property and more! At National Flat Fee MLS, you can find information on local schools, weather, local information, links and other local resources for the San Antonio area and its surr...
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Smyth, D. (2021.)How Do I Put a Rental Property on MLS?SF Gate. Retrieved from Lamont, C. (2016.)Understanding Procuring Cause. Wisconsin REALTORS® Association. Retrieved from
that you will be granted direct computer access to the MLS yourself or that this site is a representation of the MLS library of listings. All references to the term for sale would be interchangeable with for rent if you are listing a rental. Commissions are negotiable by law in all states...
Learn how to cut through the lackluster listings when looking at rental listings and spot the keepers you'll want to see in person.