An Amazon listing is the page that contains offer details like price, rating, and product features. Learn how to create, optimize, and promote yours here.
In this comprehensive guide, we briefly go through the product IDs commonly used on Amazon and then delve into the process of getting a GTIN exemption. We also guide you on how to list GTIN-exempt products on Amazon and where to obtain FNSKU codes for them. Product identifiers used on Amaz...
When Amazon shoppers search for products, the first thing they see is the product title (or the heading above each product). These all-important headlines introduce the product in a very succinct yet strategic way so as to help hurried shoppers determine which products to click on versus scroll...
If you’re an Amazon seller, it’s likely that at some point you’ll need to create an optimized Amazon product listing. This could be for a private label product, a new retail arbitrage product or a unique bundle. Having product listings which are informative and persuasive can help boost...
亚马逊卖家论坛 关注 无论在哪个电商平台销售产品,卖家都必须考虑流量问题,比如卖家的亚马逊店铺没流量怎么办?此时,亚马逊卖家可以通过亚马逊listing优化,提高产品的曝光率,提升一定的转化率。关于优化亚马逊listing,卖家可以从这9个方面入手。 1.让搜索排名尽可能地靠前出现 由于亚马逊产品众多... 基本上如果你做了1,2步骤的动作,也有出单过,用第三个工具去修改,成功概率还是挺高的,因为是机器审核,不是人工审核。 方法二: 不同类目下的listing合并。 前提是标题里都得包含类目关键词 比如将两款不同类目的AB Listing进行合并。
Amazon listing optimization provides product visibility and drives sales to take your business to the next level.
“Amazon’s Choice”、“优质的选择”、“Amazon Alexa”、“与 Alexa 合作”、“畅销商品”或“热卖商品” 建议辅图添加 3-8 张(PC 端可以显示 8 张辅图,手机端仅可显示 6 张辅图) 4.2.5 商品描述 (Product Description) 描述商品时,您可能需要在商品要点中介绍一些重要特征。但是请不要仅仅提供简明扼...
准备工作 “Product One Page “实际上是产品规划的工作之一,对上架非常重要。在“Product One Page “中,我们的产品经理需要用最简洁的语言解释以下内容: 1)谁是我们产品的目标用户、 2)我们产品的主要应用场景是什么,解决什么痛点或需求、 3)我们产品的核心规格是什么、 ...
Amazon Custom Listing Guide Customizable product listings are similar to standard product (non-customizable) listings. But they have additionally been configured for customization, to enable customers to enter additional information that can be used to fulfill the item. This guide provides best practices...