P544547. Learn the 10 Ways to Say Hello in Korean 05:38 P545548. Animal Sounds in Korean - Onomatopoeia Learn Basic Korean 37:58 P546549. 3 Hours of Korean Listening Comprehension 2:44:41 P547550. Learn the Top 10 Ways to Prepare Your Travel in Korean 05:25 P548552. Top 10 Most ...
A method for listening to and comparing high-frequency sounds such as those produced by birds and insects by people suffering from high-frequency hearing loss, common among the aging population. Live sound is received by a microphone to produce an electrical signal. The signal is then digitized ...
Dogs can hear very high frequency sounds, but people can't. 如果你没有听到第一个声音的话,说明你不是狗!狗能听到非常高频的声音,但人类不能。 And if you could hear the second one, you're younger than 25. 如果你能听到第二个声音的话,说明你不到25岁。 Wow! Why is that? 哇!为什么? Our...
[Laugh]Dogscan hear very high frequency频率sounds, but people can't. Andif you could hear the second one, you're younger than 25 Student:Wow! Why is that? Teacher:Our ears change when we get older. Children and youngpeople can...
Whatarethetwoconversationsaboutaccordingtothequestions?Whichcan’tbetherightchoiceforQuestion1andQuestion2?Why?1.Whataretheylearningaboutinconversation1?A.Hearing B.Sounds C.Dogs 2.Thestudentsarediscussing___inconversation2?A.schoolwork B.relationships C.dating 3.Circlethetwoclubswherethesetwoconversationsha...
Dogs can hear very high frequency sounds, but people can't. And if you could hear the second one, you're younger than 25.S:Wow! Why is that?T:Our ears change when we get older. Children and young people can hear the second one, but most people older than 25 can't.9 COVERSATION...
22.___舞姿生硬;动作笨拙 23.___给来访者指路 agree with at the same time be good at drawing high frequency sounds beautiful movements two left feet give directions to visitors (二)听力策略在听之前,你可以阅读所给听力的问题和选项,它们能帮助你预测你所听的内容。例如第一段材料中所给的问题有三...
[Laugh.] Dogs can hear very high frequency sounds,but people can’t. And if you could hear the second one,you’re younger than 25.Student:Wow! Why is that?Teacher: Our ears change when we get older. Childrenand young people can hear the second one,but most people older than 25 can...
Why? I think Adam should join the volunteer Club because he says that he would like to do something outdoors . Think and answer Think about and answer the following questions. 1. What can dogs hear that most older people can't hear? Very high frequency sounds. 2. What does Team...
me.Theytalkedwithmeabouttheproblemandtriedtofindout⑧thereasonforit.Withtheirhelp,theproblemwassolved⑨ intheend.AndIwasreallythankfulforwhattheydidforme.[多积词汇]⑤causev.引起;导致 ⑥toone'ssurprise使某人吃惊的是 ⑦beangrywithsb.生某人的气⑧findout查明;弄清楚 ⑨solvevt.解决 Whenthere'saproblem...