来源:英锐教育成都 | 发布时间:2024-11-08 试题来源:Cambridge A2 KEY 剑桥通用五级考试KET官方真题1-test 1 外语教学与研究出版社 留学 考试 上一篇:每日一题 | KET备考·Reading 下一篇:TEDx女孩张钰儿(Olivia):从一夜爆火到被塔夫茨录取,她如何在荆棘丛中野蛮生长?您可能感兴趣的 校长支招 | 如何拯救熊孩...
CEPT(Cambridge English Placement Test)阅读和听力部分的评级是根据考生的成绩来确定的。CEPT测试是一种在线自适应测试,主要测试孩子的英语阅读和听力,考试时间在40-50分钟,满分是50分。 在完成CEPT测试后,考试系统会根据考生的答题情况自动调整题目难度,并生成相应的分数。考生的成绩分为听力部分分数(Listening)、阅读...
试题来源:Cambridge A2 KEY 剑桥通用五级考试KET官方真题1-test 1 外语教学与研究出版社 关于KET考试 KET考试由三份试卷组成。 一、阅读和写作试卷:60分钟 考生应能理解简单的文字信息,例如告示牌和报纸;还应能够写出简单的书面英文。 二、听力试卷:约30分钟 考生应能听懂各种语速相对较慢的音频材料,例如通告等, ...
2020KET剑桥英语考试样题-A2 Key for Schools 2020 sample tests Listening - tape script KEY ENGLISH TEST for Schools LISTENING SAMPLE TEST AUDIOSCRIPT Cambridge English, Key English Test for Schools – Listening. Sample Test.There are five parts to the test. You will hear each piece twice.We ...
KET 2020样题A2 Key 2020 sample tests Reading and Writing - question paper 热度: 1 KEYENGLISHTEST LISTENINGSAMPLETEST AUDIOSCRIPT CambridgeEnglish,KeyEnglishTest–Listening.SampleTest. Therearefivepartstothetest.Youwillheareachpiecetwice. Wewillnowstopforamoment. ...
1 KEY ENGLISH TEST for Schools LISTENING SAMPLE TEST AUDIOSCRIPT Cambridge English, Key English Test for Schools – Listening. Sample Test. There are five parts to the test. You will hear each piece twice. We will now stop for a moment. Please ask any questions now because you must NOT ...
Prepararte para obtener futuras certificaciones como el KET de Cambridge o el Aptis del British Council. 2. Será una gran oportunidad para comunicarte de forma efectiva en tu próximo viaje a países de lengua inglesa como Estados Unidos, Australia o Inglaterra. 3. Podrás acceder a mejores...
This test contains listening questions and your test result will help you choose a level to practise at. Youwill not be able to see the correct answersto the questions. At the end of the test your listening level will be assessed at a CEF level (A2 to C2). ...
Cambridge A2 Key Cambridge B1 Preliminary Cambridge B2 First Certificate Cambridge C1 Advanced IELTS TOEFL Cambridge C2 Proficiencylistening A large variety of exercises: multiple choice, gap-fill, true/false and more.Different dialects of English (UK, US, etc) Full transcripts availableBeginner...
Stai per ottenere la tua prima certificazione Cambridge English. Hai imparato molte parole e molta grammatica, ma ora pensi di aver incontrato un ostacolo impossibile da superare: il test dilisteningdel KET. Ti chiedi perché è così difficile per te capire l’inglese. ...