Listening therapy is one of the best-kept secrets in the performing arts. Maria Callas, Beniamino Gigli and Gerard Depardieu have all been clients ofProfessor Tomatis. But it is not only performers who can benefit from the treatment - all those who rely on vocal skills from politicians to sal...
Listening to music provides the foundation upon which we build our musical skills and identities. However, music educators, therapists, and researchers often do not know how to guide listening experiences to maximize the growth of listening skills in a manner enjoyable to students and clients. This...
the Hypnovita hypnosis therapist Sidonie Carstensen has some tips: “to first of all should you have a conversation with a qualified hypnotherapist, or specialize in Hypnoanalysis.” Can you explain exactly the process and the effectiveness of this therapy, and pay attention to your gut feeling....
In a few cases, participants expressed the importance of seeking help from a professional. Two participants encouraged fellow parents to consult a therapist as needed, for either themselves or another family member that may be having a hard time coping with the situation. Two other excerpts touch...