The best way to learn and improve your foreign languages skills like English, through the music videos and typing the lyrics of the songs.
ListeningExercisesOverviewListeningExercisesOverviewExerciseTypeDescriptionExampleMultipleChoiceChoosethecorrectanswerfromoptionsWhichisthemainideaofthepassage?GapFillingFillinthemissingwordsCompletethesentencewiththecorrectword.True/FalseQuestionsDeterminethecorrectnessofstatementsMarkTiftrueandFiffalse. ...
:如:让学生就文章内容进行辩论。阅读常考的题型 ••••••••••ReadingforthemainideaFindingkeywordsandtopicsentencesTrueorfalsesentencesSequencingjumbledsentencesorparagraphsMid-textpredictingReadingforspecificinformationComprehensionquestionsGap-fillingexercisesPronounchecksGuessingunknownwords ...
part a note-taking and gap-fillingdirections: in this part of the test you will hear a short talk. you will hear the talk only once. while listening to the talk, you may take notes on the important points so that you can have enough information to complete a gap-filling task on a ...
Mandarin Bean offers a large number of beginner-friendly texts with audio, Pinyin you can toggle on and off, as well as a pop-up dictionary that shows you meaning, pronunciation and HSK level of the words used. If you register and log in, you can also find exercises and...
c) note-taking and gap-filling This is a good example of how while-listening and post-listening is combined.The students take notes while listening. When it is finished, the students are given two or three minutes to tidy up the notes. The teacher gives the students incomplete summery and...
(三)Note-taking and gap-filling (四)Dictogloss(cf. dictation) 1.Preparation(introduce the topic, key words, general questions) 2.Dictation(at normal speed) 3.Reconstruction 4.Analysis and correction Summary on post-listening activities (一)Tasks like role play, debate, discussion, writing back,...
D.Note-taking and gap-filling. 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: (Listen/Listening) to music can make me relax. 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 听音乐是放松最好的方式。(way) Listening 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: Listening to music or playing games on ___ mobile phone will make ___ jou...
Post-listeningactivities Aim:Theteachertestanddeterminehowwellthestudentshaveunderstoodwhattheylistenedto.Thegeneraltechniquesforpost-listening:MultiplechoicequestionsAnsweringquestionsNote-takinggapfilling