注册到监听器中的服务值从init.ora文件中的参数service_names取得。如果该参数没有设定值,数据库将拼接init.ora文件中的 db_name和db_domain的值来注册自己。如果选择提供service_names值,您可以使用完全限定的名称(比如 orcl.oracle.com)或缩写的名称(比如orcl)。如果选择缩写的名称并设置了db_domain参数,注册到监...
如果选择缩写的名称并设置了db_domain参数,注册到监听器中的服务将是 service_name值和db_domain值的拼接。例如下面的设置将导致服务orcl.oracle.com被注册到监听器中: db_domain=oracle.com service_names=orcl ; 我的这个测试实例是dave2.并且没有配置service_names,所以这里我们配置net service 使用的也是Dave2....
1. Open Oracle Net Manager Start->All Programs->Oracle-OraDb11g_home1->Configuration and Migration Tools->Net Manager; 2. Add a listener In Oracle Net Manager window, choose listeners, click Add Address(pic Oracle Net Manager); Host: ip address of the machine installed oracle Port: 1521 Cl...
Hello, I am on an Oracle Engineered System (X8) and using Oracle While trying to connect to a pdb directly from sqlplus, I am getting the following error: ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor....
oracle ORA-12514:TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor 问题原因:数据库实例没注册到listener 解决方法一: 在listener.ora里面添加了一行 SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST = (SID_DESC = (GLOBAL_DBNAME = orcl) ...
snrctl start提示:The listener supports no servicesThe command completed successfully这样启动后远程连接会造成OracleORA-12514:TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor 方法/步骤 1 ---方案一---原因:数据库实例注册到listener---登录数据库$sqlplus / as sysdba--显示...
这样启动后远程连接会报错: oracle ORA-12514:TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor 问题原因:数据库实例没注册到listener 解决方法一: 在listener.ora里面添加下面各行: SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST =
"the oracleoradb19home1tnllistenergldb service on local computer started and stopped. some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs." log in to view full details, sign in to my oracle support community. register don't have...
SNMP ON Listener Parameter File /u01/app/grid/ Log In To view full details, sign in toMy Oracle Support Community. Register Don't have aMy Oracle Support Communityaccount? Click here to get started.
(ORACLE_HOME=oracle_home)) (SID_DESC=...)) For later database releases, the listener uses the dynamic service information about the database and instance it has received through service registrationbefore using statically configured informationin thelistener.orafile. Therefore, theSID_LISTis not ...