The local listener, or default listener, is located in the Grid home when you have Oracle Grid Infrastructure installed. The listener.ora file is located in the Grid_home\network\admin directory. If needed, you can edit the listener.ora file for the Grid home listeners to define listener ...
For later database releases, the listener uses the dynamic service information about the database and instance it has received through service registrationbefore using statically configured informationin thelistener.orafile. Therefore, theSID_LISTis not required, unless Oracle Enterprise Manager is used ...
Hi all, I would like toverifyif it is correct. In the local_listener of the two nodes RAC database (no rac one node), is better that it contains the node vip instead off node ip to improve the timetoreconnectsessions. Now: SQL> show parameter listener NAME TYPE VALUE --- --- --...
通过pl/sql 连接报错:ORA_12514:TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect 当我们使用plsql连接Oracle数据库时,sqplus都能连接上,不知道为什么plsql突然连接不上,还报如下错: 可能是我们使用的plsql的版本太低了,可以尝试换一个高版本的plsql,报ORA-12514的错可能存在很多种情况,现...
Oracle-Listener log解读 Listener log 概述 在ORACLE数据库中,如果不对监听日志文件(listener.log)进行截断,那么监听日志文件(listener.log)会变得越来越大. Listener log location For oracle 9i/10g 在下面的目录下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ORACLE_HOME/network/log/listener_$ORACLE_SID.log...
Hello, I have some oracle database server with tsnames.ora like following: DBNAMESERVER = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) ( (PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = ( ...
oracle 报错ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connec 在使用navicat上连接oracle正确用户名和密码,oracle常用服务也启动的情况下依然无法建立连接。但是sqlPus
有关oracle的三个网络配置文件分别为 listener.ora、sqlnet.ora、tnsnames.ora ,无论linux还是windows下,都是放在$ORACLE_HOME\network\admin目录下。 2 sqlnet.ora sqlnet.ora 用在oracle client端,用于配置连接服务端oracle的相关参数。 假如我的sqlnet.ora是下面这个样子 ...
Alternatively, you can update this target's "LISTENER.ORA Location" parameter with the location of the currently running Listener, which was started using: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\network\admin\listener.ora.ChangesCauseSign In To view full details, sign in with your My Oracle Support account...
"listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor" 第一种可能 是配置得数据库SID名不正确localhost:1521:[color=red]oracle[/color]即红字部份不是你本机的SID。 第二种可能 发现SID配置没有错误,但是还是报错,那可能就是oracle得监听配置出了问题,需要检查listener.ora文件,用记事本打开,...