Come summertime who better to thank for putting his mouth where his money is than the MIS? Like some sort of electro-disco Clark Kent, by day Camilo Lara is the MD of EMI Mexico, by night he’s a DJ saving lives with his witty mash-ups of dub, rock, cha cha cha and traditional ...
infusing his exploration of jazz with both style and substance. Another stylistic detour followed in late 2002, when he released Blunted in the Bomb Shelter Mix, a spin through the vault of the classic dub/reggae label Trojan. While continuing on with a massive release schedule and workload, ...
如今,他在Dublab的在线电台节目里做DJ,其它时间几乎全部用来做音乐,每天醒来后就开始全情投入到制作音乐的工作状态中。 Daedelus第一张正式专辑《Her's Is》由Phthalo厂牌在2001年发表。从唱片封套上蓝黑色的主色基调到扭曲的字体都暗示着这是一张极其自我的唱片,而"Disparage "里忽然闪现出来的缓拍已经隐约透露出...