To value the market properly, fundamental analysis has to be done. The main focus of this study is to value the share prices of the selected FMCG companies through fundamental analysis.Dr..N. Manicka MaheshS. Saravana Kumar
Valuation of Intangibles of Listed FMCG Company of IndiaN.Srinivas RaoRanjan Kumar BalJETIR(
Impact of Working Capital Management on Profitability of the Selected Listed FMCG Companies in IndiaS A R I P A T I Vol. 11 | No. 1 ISSN: 2089-6271 | e-ISSN: 2338-4565 | Jana...
FMCGMACDRelative Strength IndexADLChartsMoving AveragesThe participation of retail investors in the stock market has grown tremendously, as the beckon of economic reforms initiated by the government has brought struSharief, Patnam NawazAli, Mohammed Mujahed...