Indian film Industry is expected to do the same with ProjectIndywood. Both India and China has proved to be a sought after destination for movie post production, Animation and VFX. The partnership will ensure that the strengths of both industries will be explored, so that both will be ...
000 MTPA at its Mandi plant, Punjab. The expanded capacity is dedicated towards manufacturing value-added products. The amalgamation between JTL and Chetan Industries Limited has been completed. This will aid us to become a stronger and dominant player in India by increasing...
TechnoScore has been listed among the top eCommerce development companies on Sermondo. This recognition from a trusted USA-based company reflects our outstanding contributions in the domain of eCommerce development services. Sermondo is a global eCommerce network that bring...
Heading the list of Top Ten stock listed companies (based on market capitalization) is First Solar Inc. The company’s record-breaking Thin-Film technology and massive module production capacity, which is expected to reach 2.3GW in 2011, has assured First Solar of a steady position as an indu...