Applicationforlistedbuildingconsentforalterations,extensionordemolitionofalistedbuilding. Planning(ListedBuildingsandConservationAreas)Act1990 Publicationofapplicationsonplanningauthoritywebsites ...
ListedBuildingConsent HowdoIapply? ApplicationsshouldbemadeonaformprovidedbythelocalauthorityTheneedfortheworksmustbejustifiedAproperlydocumentedapplicationshouldshow why worksthat would affect the character of a l isted bui lding are desirable or necessary It must provide the local planning authoritywith ful...
("the 1990 Regulations") so that they cover applications for listed building or conservation area consent to replace an extant consent granted on or before October 1, 2009 where the works have not yet begun and the consent applied for is needed to carry out development subject to an extension...
Advice on Listing Building Consent Applications and Planning Applications Preparing Statement of Significance & Impact as supporting evidence for listed building consent and planning applications Planning and Listed Building Consent Appeals Historic Building Surveys Expert Witness for High Court of Planning Appe...
1 Waterhouse Square, 138-142Holborn, London EC1N 2ST and the Commission subsequently have either been given reasonable access to the building for at least one month following the grant of consent, or have stated that they have completed their record of the building or that they do not wish...
It mentions that the provision will simplify the listed building consent system, reduce the number of applications required and establish heritage partnership agreements (HPAs). It also mentions other documents ...
applications for planning permission,listed buildingconsent and conservation area consent which could affect [...] (a) 就可影響有關保護區的規劃許可、表列建築物施工許可 及保護區施工許可的申請,提供意見;及 ...
Decisions on called-in applications for, and appeals against refusals of, listed building or conservation area consent are the responsibility of the ... TE Has,however - ppg 被引量: 135发表: 1994年 Obtaining informed consent to neonatal randomised controlled trials: interviews with parents and cl...
Applicationsaremadeto EnglishHeritage(seeaddress atendofguidance).Ontheir recommendation,the SecretaryofStateforCulture, MediaandSportmakesthe decisionwhetherornotto includethebuilding(s)onthe statutorylist. DoIneedListedBuilding consentforthefollowing
building. ListedBuildingConsent ListedBuildingConsenthastobe gainedforworksthatwillaffectthe characterorspecialinterestofthe building,andforthedemolitionofthe building.Itisacriminaloffencetocarry outunauthorisedworkstoaListed Building. Itisstrongly advisedthat ...