Making your appeal - how to complete your listed building or conservation area consent appeal form
Itisimportantthatyoureadtheaccompanyingguidancenotesasincorrectcompletionwilldelaytheprocessingofyourapplication. 1.ApplicantNameandAddress Title:Firstname: Lastname: Address1: Address2: Town: Address3: County: Country: Postcode: Company (optional):
3ListedBuildingConsent Whogiveslistedbuildingconsent? Applications,forwhichthereisnofee,aremadetotheappropriatelocalplanningauthorityinwhoseareathebuildingissituated,andwhichwillprovideanapplicationformTheauthoritywillexaminethecaseagainstnationalguidelinesissuedbytheNationalAssembly,andinthelightofitspoliciesfortheprotection...
摘要: Applying for planning permission on a listed property can be a minefield. You will need to provide the following with your application: 1. A completed listed building consent form 2. Provide front & rear elevation 1:50 drawings 3. Provide 1:1250 location plan of your house location (...
GRANT OF LISTED BUILDING CONSENT 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 26 作者: A No,AM Jugessur 摘要: (A) If the applicant is aggrieved by the decision of the local planning authority to refuse listed building consent or conservation area consent for the proposed works, or grant...
SI 2014/551 Planning (local listed building consent orders) (procedure) regulations 2014Legislation UK
development rights will also not apply. Listed building consent may be required in tandem to planning permission or on its own. Because of the wide definition of what a Listed building may entail, it is important to be extra diligent while undertaking any form of work to any such building. ...
efficient planning service, the Government has introduced a new standard electronic application form for applications for planning permission made under the Town and Country Planning system and Listed Building and Conservation Area consent regime... S Belli 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Minors' Rights to Cons...
Appeal by Dr and Mrs Andrew Padkin against the refusal of Listed Building Consent and Planning Permission by Bath and North East Somerset Council 3.2 Paragraph 29The existing extension consists of two storeys, the second storey having accommodation in the roof. From the road the eaves line of ...
applicationforeitherListed BuildingConsentor ScheduledMonument Consentthissheetwill provideyouwithuseful guidanceontheprocessand whatinformationyoumaybe requiredtosubmit. Whyarebuildingslisted? Buildingsarelistedin recognitionoftheirspecial architecturalorhistoric ...