I have a vehicle listed on Craigslist for sale and got a reply very similar to the ones read in this topic. I also wondered why the individual wanted to purchase 'sight unseen'. This person "jose" offered to pay bank transfer or PayPal. I thought PayPal would be more secure sinc...
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The interface of the site is quite simple and offer more than ten different categories to explore, such as Vehicle, Pets, Personals, For Rents and Items for Sale, etc. Each has its dozens of options that you can easily explore without any limitation. There is also has a search box where...
38. Get paid to put adverts on your car. Using something called “vehicle wrapping” companies can put adverts on your car and remove them without damaging the paintwork. If you’re happy to drive around with a few ads on your car then you’ll be glad to know companies like Comm-motion...