FunctionsRuntime Function app runtime name and version. FunctionsScaleAndConcurrency Scale and concurrency settings for the function app. HandlerMapping The IIS handler mappings used to define which handler processes HTTP requests with certain extension. For example, it is used to configure php-cgi...
@skirtle/vue-vnode-utils - Helper functions for working with slot VNodes inside render functions in Vue 3 Web Sockets - bindings for Vue.js and Vuex Payment Payment utilities. Stripe vue-stripe-checkout - A simple vue plugin for Stripe checkout. vue-strip...
Audio processing modules in Python handle sound file manipulation and playback functions. These tools range from basic audio playback utilities to advanced sound analysis systems. The libraries support various audio formats and provide features for both simple sound handling and complex audio processing ...
RequestIdStringThe unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem. ...
0xdea/rhabdomancer [rhabdomancer] - Vulnerability research assistant that locates all calls to potentially insecure API functions in a binary file Web cfal/tobaru - Port forwarder with allowlists, IP and TLS SNI/ALPN rule-based routing, iptables support, round-robin forwarding (load balancing)...
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (;|<|>|'|"|\)|%0A|%0D|%22|%27|%3C|%3E|%00).*(/\*|union|select|insert|drop|delete|update|cast|create|char|convert|alter|declare|order|script|set|md5|benchmark|encode) [NC,OR] # PHP-CGI Vulnerability ...
invalid punctuation, hexadecimal equivalents, and variousSQLcommands. Blacklisting these enitities protects us from common cross-site scripting (XSS), remote shell attacks, andSQLinjection. And, while this a good start, it pales in comparison to the new query-string directives of the upcoming 4G ...
0xdea/rhabdomancer [rhabdomancer] - Vulnerability research assistant that locates all calls to potentially insecure API functions in a binary file Web cfal/tobaru - Port forwarder with allowlists, IP and TLS SNI/ALPN rule-based routing, iptables support, round-robin forwarding (load balancing)...
The Gangster Supply Store is presumably a black market store located in Crime Land that supplies various crime-related goods to criminals. During the events of "The Unzappables", Al Koopone places an order at the Gangster Supply Store for many Unzappable Hats, which he soon receives. ... - Searches code from the entire github public repositories for a given specific string or using regular expression. NerdyData - Search engine for source code. PublicWWW Reposearch SearchCode - Help find real world examples of functions, API's and libraries across 10+ sources. Sourcebot...