White's scouts are a Human and an anthropomorphic dog who work for General White. The human is ranked a sergeant, while the dog is an ordinary soldier. Out of White's regular soldiers, they are the only two to have a major role in the Dragon Ball anime. They are first introduced when...
3. A.five B.four C.three D.two 4. A.was full of B.was filled in C.is full of D.was filled with 5. A.on B.at C.to D.with 6. A.tired B.bored C.lonely D.alone 7. A.peace B.friend C.peaces D.friends 8. A.at the end B.in the end C.at first D.at the beginning...
A curated list of awesome Threat Intelligence resources A concise definition of Threat Intelligence:evidence-based knowledge, including context, mechanisms, indicators, implications and actionable advice, about an existing or emerging menace or hazard to assets that can be used to inform decisions regardi...
twoormorecountries apieceoflandinthe 577islandn.Thereisnoelectricityontheisland. middleofwater 578journeyn.alongtripTheyaregoingonajourneythroughthesand. foodthatispreparedand 579mealn.Shemadeaterriblemeal.Noonelikedit. eaten tocomebackafterbeing 580returnv.Wearealwayshappytoreturnhome. away 1000BasicEngli...
C. Report their needs and feedback.D. Email the office their numbers on the list. 23.Students will be deregistered if ___. A. they send emails in errorB. they fail to work interactively C. they give their pla...
180 string-similarity Finds degree of similarity between two strings, based on Dice's Coefficient, which is mostly better than Levenshtein distance. aceakash 2524 181 p5grid An implementation of triangle, square, hexagon, and octagon grids for p5.js. aahdee 74 182 saasify The easiest way to ...
Human beings have a strong tendency to put new facts into pre-existing categories. This is useful to mentally and culturally classify similar events under the same logical umbrella, so when two days ago I clarified that the Redis core was still released under the vanilla BSD license, and only...
When the final bell sounded, I took Belinda by the hand, and we began the two-block walk to her house. Belinda took me through the gate to her yard and she went inside to get her mother while I waited outside. Where have you been, girl?" a voice screamed. Babies cried loudly insi...
Two-Factor Authentication for extensive security. A simple user interface with access to a wide range of modules. Team-specific workspaces that can be managed and monitored simultaneously. Extensive project management resources including project reports, Gantt charts, and project timelines to manage and...
E At the outset of the new millennium,however,the wayresourceplanners think about water is beginning tochange. The focus is slowly shifting back to the provision of basic human and environmental needs as top priority-ensuring ‘some for all,’ instead of ‘morefor some’. Somewaterexpertsare ...