接下来,我们将使用Gson库将List转换为JSON字符串。 importcom.google.gson.Gson;// 使用Gson库进行转换Gsongson=newGson();StringjsonString=gson.toJson(students);// 输出JSON字符串System.out.println(jsonString); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 步骤5:输出JSON字符串 完成转换后,我们可以将JSON字符串输...
stu2.setName("张三"); String jsonString =JSON.toJSONString(entity);//list转json字符串 System.out.println(jsonString); 字符串转换成实体类 String entityStr = "{id:1,name:'张三'}"; Student entity =JSON.parseObject(entityStr , Student.class);//实体类包含list,转实体类 System.out.println(e...
*/publicstaticStringtoJSONLib(Objectobject){try{returnJSON.toJSONString(object,config,features);}catch(Exceptione){log.error("JsonUtil | method=toJSONLib() | 对象转为Json字符串 Json-lib兼容的日期输出格式 Error!"+e.getMessage(),e);}returnnull;}/** * 转换为数组 Object */publicstaticObject...
String json=JSONUtil.toJsonStr(list); 此时的json格式为"["a","b"]"; ---最外层会有一个[],里面每个元素都会有"";2.String 转成 List<String> ---有3个方法, 1.利用hutool工具包里的方法(最简单的) List<String> list = JSONUtil.toList(JSONUtil.parseArray(json), String.class); 2.写一...
int key = jsonObject.getIntValue("key"); System.out.println("===" + key); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. dataValue是请求的string字符串 JSONObject作为一个中间商,通过for循环,使用里面的getIntValue方法得到最后的key值 @Slf4j @RunWith...
Cmdlets.VMware.Models Assembly: Az.VMware.private.dll Serializes this instance to a json string. C# 复制 public string ToJsonString (); Returns String a String containing this model serialized to JSON text. Applies to 产品版本 Azure - PowerShell Commands 12 (LTS),...
String jsonString = “[[1,"zhangsan","male",18,"Beijing"],[2,"lisi","female",18,"Shanghai"]]” List<List<Object>> list = JSON.parseObject([jsonString], new TypeReference<List<List<Object>>>() {}); 3.对象转json JSON.toJSONString(user); ...
Cmdlets.KeyVault.Models Assembly: Az.KeyVault.private.dll Serializes this instance to a json string. C# 复制 public string ToJsonString (); Returns String a String containing this model serialized to JSON text. Applies to 产品版本 Azure - PowerShell Commands 11.0.0, Latest...
convert list or Map to JSON string Is there a built in function to take a Map list and format the list into an appropriately structured JSON string? If not, is anyone familiar with deluge code snippet that would perform this function?