” said Laura Vanderkam, a time management expert and author of the forthcoming book “Tranquility by Tuesday: 9 Ways to Calm the Chaos and Make Time for What Matters.”“It’s just as not done as if you’d never put it on the l...
This three-part docuseries tells the story of super surgeon Paolo Macchiarini. Paolo was globally lauded for creating the world’s first plastic organs. Now, he's accused of being a fraud and a fantasist. Beckham One of the biggest documentaries Netflix has gifted us, this Emmy-winning, fo...
If you answered "yes" to all three questions, you're the kind of person we're counting on to help us meet our commitment to support GURPS on Warehouse 23. Read on . . . The wish list below describes product ideas that have passed the first hurdle – namely, we're interested – and...
2Guests must stay in the cage for three hours each morning. “From 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., you can’t access the Internet, and there are no electronic devices, books, radio, pens or craftwork. You can’t talk to anybody. You can’t do Yoga or any other exercises. And you can’t...
I sort of thought we would be experiencing haggis three ways at each stop. Rather, we had a very thoughtful guide who walked us through how Scotland has been shaped through the centuries by the world of which it is a critical part. It was lovely, and in the end, we did in fact get...
Colonel Hubert Jefferson is Lucy Belle's great-grandfather, and consequently Bones Bailey's second great uncle or cousin three times added (though the exact relation is left unspecified), who was mentioned in the Saturday Supercade episode "Double or Nothing". He had left behind a will stating...
There are three ways a Soul Reaper can become a captain. To take the captain proficiency test which requires the ability to perform bankai. Presumably, most Soul Reapers become captains using this method. At least three existing captains, including the Commander-General, have to witness the ...
The AJAX call fires. This creates and AJAX request, browsers use the XMLHttpRequest object. When the server responds to the browser’s request, the same XMLHttpRequest object will process the result. The server-side script receives the input from JavaScript, and processes the data. After the...
Indeed, the first three of these words (legal, policy, income) do not appear in the CRAC corpus at all, while finance appears only 18 times, and legislate only 6 times. Problems with the CAWL There are some problems with the original list as presented in the Journal of English for ...
Then, Syaoran and Sakura begin thinking of ways to capture the Voice card. After a comment by Sakura about the Song card, Syaoran comes up with the idea as using the Song card to sing with Tomoyo's voice to draw out the Voice card. It works and the Voice card comes into Tomoyo's ...