Note that languages that are merely jokes even compared to other esoteric languages are located in the joke language list. Please link only to existing article pages on this wiki. A stub is enough to start with, as long as it has a link to further information. Languages with no link to...
NATO Phonetic Alphabet - For knowing and conveniently using the NATO phonetic alphabet. @jns code api@^1.79.1 - Create, read, and update data in your account. @danpalmer code api@^1.64.4 utils@^1.10.1 One-Time Secret - Allows secrets to be transmitted using the One-...
This uses the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), a system designed to represent the sounds of spoken language. The slash marks / / indicate that this is a phonetic transcription, not a spelling. Let's break down the components: /l/ represents the alveolar lateral approximant sound. This i...
Allegiant Airlines | Vintage Stewardess Pictures | Howard Hughes The Pioneer Aviator | High Resolution Military Aviation Desktop Wallpapers Military Aircraft Drawings | Fixed Wing Aircraft | History Of The Concorde | STOVL | US Air Force Requirements | QSST Jet | Gliders | Live ATC Cockpit Photos |...
Alphabet Stories by:昂立少儿 2531 phonetic alphabet by:每刻外教英语俱乐部 5361 The Alphabet by:行有余余 1.8万 Happy Alphabet by:鹅妈妈英语启蒙 2141 Happy alphabet by:PeterTreeHouse 2861 Tomorrow's Alphabet by:绘本音频管理员 8057 Tomorrow's Alphabet ...
ToPS - This is an object-oriented framework that facilitates the integration of probabilistic models for sequences over a user defined alphabet. [Deprecated] Gesture Detection grt - The Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT) is a cross-platform, open-source, C++ machine learning library designed for rea...
phonetic alphabet by:每刻外教英语俱乐部 5361 The Alphabet by:行有余余 5615 Tomorrow's Alphabet by:StoryTribeReading 2047 Tomorrow's Alphabet by:读乐儿 2861 Tomorrow's Alphabet by:绘本音频管理员 8065 Tomorrow's Alphabet by:英百通英语绘本馆 ...
check the statistics table (GitHub stars/Downloads), please refer to this page. 🔝Back to Top Others kanjitomoocr - Java library for identifying Japanese characters from images jak - Java library and command-line tool to transliterate Japanese kanji to romaji (Latin alphabet) kakasijava ...
spelling alphabet an alphabet not used to write words, but to spell them while speaking the NATO Phonetic alphabet a method of communication developed in the early 20th century to make sometimes garbled radio communications consistent and easier to understand ...
You’re a kindergarten teacher introducing the letters of the alphabet one a time. You can create word lists containing only the letters that you’ve taught. Students can learn to read CVC words that contain only sounds that they know! You’re introducing a new concept, such as digraphs or...