The film, set in 1916, tells the story of a married Irish woman who has an affair with a British officer during WWI, despite opposition from her nationalist neighbours. The film is a very loose adaptation of Gustave Flaubert's novel Madame Bovary. The film stars Robert Mitchum, Sarah Miles...
Batman Returns(1992)– The Caped Crusader faces off against a capitalist, an S&M themed feline feminist, and a deformed survivor of an infanticide attempt with an army of missile-equipped penguins in the weirdest summer blockbuster ever The Beast[La Bête] (1975)– A drawing room nuptial dra...
The London-based central bankers use wars to weaken nations and colonize the world (incl. UK, US Israel, etc.). The difficulty executing WWI was that they had already bankrupted the European states by selling them battleships and other armaments. Europe couldn't afford a war! The introduction...
ASV: Allan and the Sundered Veil NTA: The New Traveller's Almanac BD: Black Dossier MIM: Minions of the Moon NHI: Nemo: Heart of Ice NRB: Nemo: The Roses of Berlin NRG: Nemo: River of Ghosts PM: A Perfect Match... And a Perfect Fuse! TJR: The Johnson Report SSM: Seven Star...
She became pregnant shortly after her marriage in June 1854 but died on 31 March 1855, almost certainly from hyperemesis gravidarum, a complication of pregnancy which causes excessive nausea and vomiting. Birthplace: Thornton, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom Also ranks #1 on The Greatest Female ...
WSLC RWSORT25 Display of causes of listing WSLF RWSORT28 Material per customer WSLG RWSORTA1 Compare promotion POs - sales order WSLH RWSORT33 Assortment modules for material WSLI RWSORT34 Display change doc. listing cond. WSL0 RWSORT11 Consistency check for reference mat ...
which leads to Angie believing the killer is a woman. Initially, Homicide believes Brendan's murder has something to do with the Cybrex meeting, especially as Ramsay had a communications lock-down in and out of the meeting, including no telephone calls and/or Internet, and it was deemed tha...
This means that the roof is mostly supported not by beams but by air pressure that rises against the roof and helps support its dome-like shape. That is, until something from the outside causes it to deflate. In this case, snow. So watch the embedded video and gue...
He is remembered for his remarkable breakthroughs in the causes and prevention of diseases, and his discoveries have saved many lives ever since. He reduced mortality from puerperal fever, and created the first vaccines for rabies and anthrax. His medical discoveries provided direct support ...
In 1971, he organized the Concert for Bangladesh, a landmark event in the history of benefit concerts. His dedication to humanitarian causes continued throughout his life, leaving an indelible mark on the world. George Harrison passed away on November 29, 2001, but his legacy co...